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Life Is Too Short For Corporate Conformity. Happy Second Birthday, Punks & Pinstripes.

Life is Really Short. So,

Build epic shit
Speak truth to power
Be the truest version of yourself
Seek Solidarity

These are the pillars of Punks & Pinstripes, a private community of rebel executives that I founded on a rainy January day two years ago. The rebels in business, the people who are building new ventures or fixing old businesses, in my experience, need these principles to be a pillar of their lives. This is how they make more money, find their people, feel more fulfilled, and solve important problems. Every time they drift from these principles everything falls apart, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but always.

Punks & Pinstripes is like a personal board of directors for the rebels in business.

The next opportunity to become a member of Punks & Pinstripes is January 17 - 31. We accept 25 new members during a 2-week application period every quarter, and membership is capped at 200. If you read this and it resonates, then you should apply.

Here’s what we believe:

Life is Too Short

It’s too short for stagnation, obstructionism, half-assed innovation, token diversity, office politics, bloated bureaucracy, or innovation complacency. It’s too short for deferring your boldest dreams for the ‘right time’. Your career consumes most of your finite time on Earth. Now is the right time.

Build Epic Shit

Fall in love with a problem. Pitch outcomes - not ideas. Relentlessly delete obstructionism from the system. Focus on data not dogma. And be kind to yourself. This is really hard. Ask for help. Be proud of yourself even when you don’t achieve exactly what you want. 

You are not alone

When you’re going through Hell the only person who can help you is someone who’s been through the same Hell and come out the other side. Your success is part of their healing. That person is a mentor. Good mentors are hard to find. We are bombarded by thought leaders and consultants who sell expertise without experience and advice without accountability. There is no greater punk love than pressure-tested love from a mentor. So, find your tribe.

Your Scars Are Your Superpower

Every big breakthrough is an adjustment made in the face of scary adversity. Humility - the ability to say I’m stuck and I need help, is a moment of incredible power. But, social media turns our careers into a beauty pageant. But we’re all human. We make mistakes that we swore we’d never make again. We have character defects. We lose sleep wondering if we’re doing the right thing and if we’re up to the challenge. You’ve got this.

Success Is Unlocking The Truest Version of Yourself

Your best work happens when you fall in love with a problem that no one else dares to solve. It may mean you pursue a vision that no one else sees. It may mean speaking truth to power that no one else dare says. It may require courage and strength that is daunting. Do it anyway. Your truest fans and supporters will emerge when you stand in your own power.


When you have the courage to speak your truth you will attract the deepest solidarity from everyone who was waiting for someone like you. At Punks & Pinstripes we call this Punk Sonar. These are the people who will pick you up when life gets hard. They will amplify your message. They will accelerate your success. They’ll help you make lots of money and build epic shit. 

If you want what we have, then Apply by January 31  to become one of our next 25 members.